Data security

Integration 1 Integration 2

FraudHosting is a specialized database designed for web hosting companies and other online services to help identify and prevent fraudulent activity. It contains information about problem customers who have been previously associated with fraud or other undesirable activities. To keep data secured - we use encryption methods so you can store client's information with no risk.

How it works: one-way encryption

One-way encryptions are mathematical algorithms that create a digital signature for customer information (names, email addresses and IP addresses, domain names). FraudHosting never accepts unsecured client information, only hashed results of processing client information are accepted.

Only the encrypted version is stored in the database, which even the service specialists cannot convert back to the original version. The SHA-1 algorithm is used, which is repeated 32000 times.

Pseudocode of the function to be used:

FUNCTION FraudHosting_hash ( value )
value = “fraudhosting-” + value
value = SHA-1( value )
RETURN value

The function adds 15 bits of extra protection on top of SHA-1 against brute force attacks, and since it is augmented with a custom FraudHosting string at each iteration, it is safe for all existing rainbow tables. Any vulnerability to the SHA-1 algorithm is inapplicable because the system is dealing with known source data, and collision generation is irrelevant.

Hashing Examples

The system only accepts hashed versions of client information.

Here is an example of a client:

Name: Alan Ross
Email: [email protected]
Additional email address: [email protected]
Registration IP address:
Mobile: +11231231231
Landline: +13213123213

Before sending this information, any billing system performs one-way encryption of the values, so the service only receives the values on output:

name    = ac2c739924bf5d4d9bf5875dc70274fef0fe54cf
email    = 34efd0a968b48cbf9a43ac3e73053e4f343234
email2  = 2a1ab4a6ed14713d0e26127c1920417e4b193924
ip           = f25c0306279af0bd9faf1caf0549daedb3472b7f
phone1  = 3f09086d8d4e4019eb534ce28e6b64c8ef563e
phone2 = d542e4bad3dbb13bcf0e31f484394997cd969b8
domain = ff07748b4d4b8f08f21499e078ef792fded46641

Since the database only stores these values, any other company that wants to access FraudHosting reports about a customer must also have the actual values of the information on file. They can process this information using a one-way encryption algorithm and generate encrypted values. The two encrypted values are then compared and if matches are found in the database, a client report is generated.

FraudHosting has never had access to real client information. Only the final result of the encryption is accepted, not sensitive source information. If users comply with all rules, unsecured and sensitive customer information never reaches FraudHosting's servers. According to current industry standards and professional opinions of data security experts, the SHA-1 iterated and hashed system is a one-way encryption and does not allow the recovery of actual customer information from the hashed result.